About Mind Strong Therapy

Rob and Beckie are the founders of Mind Strong Therapy. Through their love of helping others and understanding how hard life can be when you’re dealing with mental health, they became NLP Practitioners & Hypnotherapists. Their goal through therapy is to help those in need to achieve a better way of living.

Mind strong therapy was designed to help people through their toughest times and to give people hope and someone who believes in them, a safe place where they will be heard and guided. Also, a service that is flexible if that’s evenings or weekends, with no long wait list then two weeks to get your first session.


About Rob

My name is Rob Hines, I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner my background was fitness and understanding the physical body. As a fitness fanatic I then turned my passion into a profession and become a personal trainer. I thought that was enough to build a good physique and become physically strong until I spiralled into chronic anxiety and depression that lasted for years. This then pushed me into developing an interest in self-development and understanding my own mind. I kept questioning why am I so anxious? How can I stop feeling so depressed? and most important how to stop feeling so low and worried.

For the next 2 I read every life coaching book and self-development book I could get my hands on. This led him to become an NLP practitioner, the No1 skill and tool to use when coaching with clients. After becoming trained and qualified in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming I then started to coach clients straight away I soon realised that a lot of my clients knew what they should be doing they even knew how to stop doing it but just couldn’t stop.

I knew I had to look into a therapy that was dealing with beliefs, behaviours, feelings and emotions as that’s why people could not change - because 90% of our day we are operating from our subconscious mind. I then trained and qualified in clinical hypnotherapy - The rest is history, I thrive on helping every one of my clients to achieving the life they want with minimal fear, worry, frustration, anger, upset, lack of self-worth.


About Rebecca

My name is Rebecca Henry I have always had an interest in caring for others, it is something I have been good at but never wanted to work as a nurse etc, unaware of any other avenues I spent years sat behind a desk working hard in whatever task was thrown at me but always but I never felt a sense of purpose a knew I could give more.

As many of us do we wait for something drastic to happen to us to shift us into another path in life, this is what happened to me one day I suffered a Panic attack which left me with extreme amounts of anxiety and fear, after years of research and self-development I learned techniques and strategies to manage my panic attacks and anxiety – This gave her the perfect path in life to use her knowledge and caring nature to help others.

Attending Hypnotherapy training i knew this was my passion in life and wanted to help others in whatever area they were struggling, using Hypnosis for the subconscious part of the mind or coaching people consciously to help achieve their desired outcome.