
Amanda Mowatt

Amanda Mowatt


Beckie introduced herself on facebook when I had responded to a post on health anxiety. I’d been suffering, to the point my life was crippled, since my older brother was diagnosed out the blue with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma back in 2010 and then sadly passed away in 2014.

Initially I was so stressed by his long suffering terminal illness I started to feel loads of physical symptoms. But I became more and more fearful of possibly dying and leaving my children with no mum.

I was scared to drive, scared to get on a plane, and once COVID came along I became almost petrified to leave the house in case I was one of the unlucky ones to catch it and die. I was bleaching and Dettol-ing my house top to bottom many times a day. I subsequently became quite agoraphobic.

I had had counselling in the past and nothing had changed. Beckie was so friendly and understanding I was encouraged to try again. I am so grateful I did as my life has changed 180!

We met over zoom during the pandemic. We had some counselling sessions and some hypnotherapy sessions. I don’t know how she does what she does, she’s a beautiful, kind, emotionally intelligent sorceress!! I am now able to leave my house, I travel by public transport to my office and I have re-joined the gym. All things I was unable to do for fear of catching covid. I even managed to look after my eldest daughter once she caught covid – I didn’t even panic. I also started taking driving lessons and more surprising, I’m enjoying them! And I am planning a trip to Italy in October, somewhere I’ve always dreamed of going. I feel me again. I no longer feel short of breath in a constant state of panic.

I can see my friends, I am living my life again and I feel so light and happy.

I know that everyone is different and you need to be comfortable with your therapist but I would 100% over and over again recommend Beckie and Mind Strong. I’m so grateful she reached out to me,

There's no one else I’ve met who has had a bigger impact on my life. I guess I wouldn’t say I’m cured of health anxiety, or anxiety and panic in general, but it no longer rules my life. I can control it, I can assess risks and recognise happiness over fear. And it's an amazing feeling.

Steve Young

Steve Young


To this day, I still believe that Mindstrong Therapy 'saved me'.

Rob listened to my thoughts without judgement and explained why I was having them clearly, which gave me strength to overcome them.

2 years medication free, since our sessions and couldn't recommend Beckie & Rob highly enough - thank you 🙏